
Monday, October 20, 2008

To Make or To Buy? That is the question...

I've become a little more crafty in the past year, and have really begun to enjoy sewing now that I have a new, non-jamming sewing machine. I have yet to make an actual outfit for either of the kids, but the idea has been rolling around in the back of my mind. And of course, with Halloween drawing near, I always face the internal dilemma of: Make or Buy a costume? I have yet to make a costume for a number of reasons. First, Big Sis tends to be more than a little indecisive, and nailing down a single costume has been difficult. If I were to sit her down with a pattern book, I think her head might pop off. Next, I've been busy with vacation, planning my Christmas projects, managing the house, and attempting to work, too. And finally, I just don't get that into Halloween. Oh sure, I love dressing up the kids, love going to Trunk or Treat and seeing everyone in their costumes, but I don't decorate the house, and I don't dress up myself. I'd be irritated if I put all the time and energy into making an awesome costume and it only got worn once.

So net/net, we're going with purchased costumes this year. Big Sis is going to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I bought the costume before Halloween last year, but she didn't wear it - she was adamant about being Tinkerbelle. I wasn't too bummed as I knew she'd wear it eventually, and because it was already half off when I purchased it (thanks to Disney for putting all your costumes on sale before Halloween!). The dress still fits her and with some heavy white tights and her black sparkly shoes she'll be an adorable Alice. Big J is going to be a cowboy. I found a costume on ebay for him, and when I was passing through Dallas I picked up a Texas Ranger badge with his name on it. Complete with hat and brown booties, he'll be a cutie.

Do you love Halloween? Do you dress up, too? Are you dressing up your kids? I was talking to someone on Saturday, and she said she wasn't going to dress up her son until she absolutely had to. Wha? What's cuter than babies in costume??? And don't say dressing up your dog.....

1 comment:

  1. I saw dog costumes in Old Navy and laughed. I love dressing up my bambinos too, but am not about to make it myself... I guess I'm just not quite that crafty. Glad you had a good trip and thanks for the yummy recipes!


Be Kind.