
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Should I Be Concerned?

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. My prescription is almost up, and I received a reminder call that I should come in and get checked out. No problem.

My doctor's office is pretty ghetto. The building looks normal from the outside, but inside it's.... less than plush. Now, when I go to the doctor, I don't need plush. I need efficient, empathetic, and accurate. Do I get it? You be the judge......

I showed up at the appointed time, kids in tow. The Nurse took us back right away. I sat the kids on the floor, and the Nurse made small talk for a minute, telling Big J that he is a cutie (no argument there!). And she called him Cooper. I frowned at her, but didn't say anything, thinking she must know a baby named Cooper who looks like him. After another minute or two, she told me to undress Cooper, as we would need to get his weight and height. She seemed surprised when I told her I didn't know who Cooper was, and that the appointment was for me.

She went back up front and grabbed another chart. My chart. She opened it and flipped through for a minute, then asked how my throat was. I told her, and asked what that had to do with my thyroid. Again, she was flustered. Whomever had booked the appointment wrote that I was in for a sore throat, not a thyroid check (yet I vividly remember saying "thyroid" multiple times during the appointment call). She took my vitals, and the doctor came in.

The doctor proceeded to flip through my chart, and ask me if we had finally settled on a dosage for my medication. She seemed a little surprised when I told her I was on the same dose I've always had. (I always wonder if doctor's ask questions like that to test you and see if you really know your medication and dosage). (I think they do).

Now, I know I don't go in there every week. And I wouldn't expect them to know my chart, condition, or medication inside out. But really? That many errors in one appointment?

Every time I go there, I question myself as to why. Shortly after my first appointment, one of their Nurses called and sharply questioned me on the dosage of my medicine. I had told her what I thought it was, and it was different from the actual amount (Numbers and I don't get along). She barked at me like I was a drug addict trying to score Vicodin.

I think I just keep going back because 90% of what I go there for takes less than 5 minutes and costs 96 cents per visit. That's right - they charge me 96 cents for a blood draw. I usually pay in cash. But I'm not sure if 'cheap' offsets 'confused and inefficient'.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love the ghetto-er dr. offices!! Totally annoying that they kept messing up as many times as they did. Sometimes I wonder why people are in the health profession like that one nurse who called and asked about your meds. I just don't have the right temperment to be a nurse..or a strong stomach. But it's a toss up really. 96 cents for convienence?Or a little more mula for a nicer office and staff that might remember better next time?? I think going to an office where the dr. and staff make you feel important and remembered (and efficient) makes SUCH a they really care. Maybe you should search around and try out a different place next time. Hopefully the difference in price isn't too much!


Be Kind.