
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas gifting

After we tucked these monkeys into bed on Christmas eve, there was much to do. Superhero capes to make (nothing like waiting until 9pm on Christmas eve to finish your gifts!), gifts to assemble, presents to wrap, cinnamon rolls to make, and stockings to prepare. We collapsed a little after 1 am.

Big Sis L-O-V-E-S her robe from Santa.

Big J got not one, not two, but THREE trains.

Tutu and hairbow a la Mama.

And finally...... yes, she is her father's daughter. (Weapon courtesy of her cousins).


  1. Your post just reminded me that I had super-hero capes for the kids. Well one super-hero cape. I forgot to finish Chase's. I guess they will be getting those for their birthdays.

  2. I love the picture at the top with your adorable daughter and precious son!
    What an eventful time traveling! I hope and pray your trip back won't be so eventful! I hope you had a great christmas in spite of everything!


Be Kind.