
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Resolution Revolution

I don't really care for the idea of New Year's Resolutions. Too binding. I prefer a little flexibility in my goal-making. Can I call them Areas of Focus instead? It's my blog & I can if I want to.

Areas of Focus for 2009
(aka the More/ Less List)
  1. More Health & Wellbeing/ Less Couch - This is not just for me, but for our whole family. I want to learn how to cook more healthfully, add more vegetables, reduce our meat consumption, and be more diverse in our food selections. I also want us to all move it, move it, a little more often and on a regular basis. If I can accomplish all this perhaps I will become reaquainted with my old friend Skinny Jeans.
  2. More Kindness/ Less Frustration - A kind word or a smile goes a long way. This isn't just for strangers or friends, but for me, too. I will be a little more accepting of myself, a little more understanding of my failures and foibles. With acceptance comes understanding, and hopefully a little insight.
  3. More Creativity/ Less TV - I've enjoyed busting out my sewing machine and making some simple handmade gifts, and want to gain some momentum in this. I also want to learn more about photography this year, and perhaps even make a tremendous jump forward in camera equipment to leverage that knowledge. It's amazing what I can get done when the TV goes off.
  4. More Organization/ Less Stuff - I am a recovering Pack Rat. (My husband would vehemently debate the recovering part). Recovery is a long process, with many bumps in the road. But with a little dedication and some Sterilite containers, I hope to lead a less cluttered existence in 2009.
  5. More Family/ Less Everything Else - I want to be a better wife, mother, and friend (in that order).

Happy 2009 to you and yours. What are your Areas of Focus for the year ahead?


  1. Oh resolutions resolutions! A big one for me: Getting out of my warm bed on time to enter the cold cruel world of our apt when it's pitch black outside to make it to work on time. As the husband turns over to sleep some more because he doesn't have to be to work until the late morning. Ugh! Didn't happen again today, so maybe I'll start trying on Monday....?? ;). Why do today what you can put off tomorrow..just kidding!

    Great "areas" of focus bytheway! I like 'em.

    Happy New Year!!

  2. You have some great areas of focus! I'm excited for you.
    I feel the same way about resolutions.


Be Kind.