
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Happenings

I am so glad that Halloween is over. Although I like to dress up, and carve pumpkins, I don't really like decorating for the holiday, and I definitely don't like getting spooked. This year, Halloween dragged out over the course of a week, beginning last Saturday with Trunk or Treat. Big Sis then got to wear her costume to Ballet on Tuesday, to school on Friday for a costume parade, and then we dressed them both for trick-or-treating on Halloween. Although there's something to be said for getting my money's worth out of the costumes, I am still happy to be DONE for the year!

Big Sis was a "Night Fairy". Night Fairy because she wanted to be a fairy, and I wanted to re-use her black tutu from a previous ballet costume. I purchased a black leotard (which she can wear to ballet class), and we had white tights, her tutu, and silver glitter shoes. Her wings were from her Tinker Bell costume (2 years ago), and she had recently torn them by accident. I deconstructed them, wrapped them in tulle, then painted them with glitter. I bought the headband from the dollar store (a pack of 3), and wrapped a black rose pony tail holder around it for decoration. We accessorized with silver and opalescent eye shadow and crystals on her face. I think the makeup was her favorite part. She also won "Cutest Girl" at Trunk or Treat!

Big J was Indiana Jones. We had the shoes & pants, and I purchased the shirt & jacket from Children's Orchard. I made his messenger bag from some tan fleece I already had, braided the whip from some leather cording, and bought his hat from the Dollar Store. I trimmed the hat down a bit & added the brown ribbon hatband to make it look more like a fedora and less like a cowboy hat. Most people got that he was Indiana Jones, but some thought he was an explorer. Close enough. He wasn't that into trick-or-treating, but once he realized that people would put candy into his bag, he was VERY excited.

Halloween night was clear but cold & windy. We hit about 6 houses in the neighborhood, with Big Sis and Big J hand in hand up to the doors. J did not master "trick-or-treat", but would wave when he received candy. I retired home with Big J while Big Daddy and Big Sis continued around the block. Several nearby houses take Halloween very seriously, with adults all dressed up & "haunting grounds" constructed with places to jump out & scare passersby. I also noticed that several families drove & unloaded packs of kids to canvass the neighborhood. We were prepared with some candy, but will need to buy more for next year.

Hope you had happy hauntings!


  1. Wonderful! Happy Halloween . . . now on with the Turkey.

  2. CUTE costumes - and totally original and way to put together their costumes from stuff you already had!! That's my kind of costume! ANd way to go Bis Sis to win Cutest Girl!!


Be Kind.