
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fab Friday: February 12

This may seem a little silly, but pencil pouches have been a lifesaver in our house.
Big Sis has always been a creative girl. As soon as she could grasp a crayon, she marked, drew, shaded, cross-hatched, painted, splattered, and glued her way through a myriad of projects. As she grew, so did her collection of art supplies.

Around Christmas we realized things were a bit out of control. A purge was in order, and purge we did. And then surprise! Mom and Dad provided a new array of supplies to enhance her creativity - complete with pencil pouches to secure her new rainbow of twist-up crayons & pencils. Now she knows where they are, and more importantly, which crayons are hers & which are her brothers.

**PS, if you haven't used twist-up crayons or pencils, you're missing out. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I love a good twist up crayon. My kids seem to be too fascinated in the twisting part and just twist the crayon up really high and then break it off. It makes me MAD! They broke them all, I have not yet replaced them. Maybe when they are a little older.


Be Kind.