
Monday, January 3, 2011

Cautiously Optimistic

I don't do resolutions, and am feeling lukewarm about penning a set of 2011 "Goals" (aka resolutions renamed).

So instead, I give you my theme for the year:

Cautiously Optimistic

I've read much online about how awful 2010 for so many people.  I empathize, but can't say it was the same for us.  Oh sure, we've had our share of down years.  Usually it's the odd numbers for us, which doesn't bode well for 2011, but I am entering the New Year feeling..... hopeful.

This will be a year of closure and new beginnings.  It will likely contain at least one major move, and we will even reach a Major Life Milestone (or two or three).  I have no illusions that there will be some big bumps in the road, but for now, I feel calm, I feel capable, and I feel ready.

Happy New Year to All!  


  1. Hi!!
    I'm Ashley and the author of the blog A Hasty Life. I just started the well-known challenge 30 for 30. I chose 30 articles of clothing to wear for 30 days. I would love for you to bop on over to my blog and follow me as I attempt this challenge!

    <3 Ashley

  2. Hi Amy! REading this post I was transported back 3 years to that last little bit of Medical School for Jon. 2008 was our BEST year- so many exciting things. Sure it had it's "away rotations" and stressful moments- but truly it was one of the best years for us. Graduation, buying our first house and moving on to the next stage of our life was so exciting. The stress of Residency didn't even really hit or start taking a toll on our family until after the first 6 months- so even that was OK. I think you will have a great year- all the hard work of Medical school will finally feel worth it when you hear your husband answer his phone "This is Dr. Huff!" Residency was hard for us- but doesn't have to be that way for everyone. You have some really exciting changes coming up! Here's to a great 2011!


Be Kind.