
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Day Out with Thomas

Big J has been obsessed with trains for months now.  I think it happened when we visited Grandma & Grandpa this summer.  A kind neighbor brought over some of her grandson's trains for him to play with, and he was hooked.  When we returned home, he took a keen interest in any Thomas the Tank Engine show on Netflix, and he began his train empire with a metal train from TJ Maxx.

He now has enough track to build the Transcontinental Rail twice over, and he takes great pleasure in lining up his trains throughout the living room every morning.  So when I heard that Greenfield Village was hosting a Thomas-centric event, I knew we had to be there.

His first glimpse of Thomas coming down the rails.

Waiting for our turn to ride with Thomas. 

He's coming!

So excited!

Riding the REAL Thomas. 

Meeting Sir Topham Hatt.

Riding in a vintage car.

Lego Thomas

Thomas tattoo

Thomas Storytime

As usual, I wish we could have stayed longer at Greenfield Village.  But after 3 hours, he was almost Thomas'd out. In addition to riding the full-sized Thomas, there were model railroads to see, live music, a Thomas gift shop, storytelling, coloring stations, bubbles, games, sidewalk chalk, and more.  This was in addition to the usual Greenfield Village goings-on.   If you have a Thomas fan in your family, I would highly recommend taking part in one of these events.  

It was so great to load him back in the car clutching his new Thomas lantern and his Thomas coloring sheets.  He just sat there and stared at his lantern, and then every once in a while he'd squawk about his tattoo, or Sir Topham Hatt, or riding the REAL Thomas.  You could just see him trying to process it all through his big brain and make sense of what an awesome day it was.  

I hope he will remember it for years!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that he's wearing the Thomas shirt and hat I gave him. You can sense the pure joy on his aodrable little face.


Be Kind.