
Thursday, December 22, 2011


We don't have a lot of Christmas traditions.  Sure, there are a few: Going to see Santa, enchiladas on Christmas eve, Pajamas all day on Christmas.  But there are no do-or-dies.  We don't see The Nutcracker every year.  We don't go ice skating.  We don't drive to see Christmas lights & then feast on hot chocolate.  We don't wrap our gifts on Christmas eve.  We don't wear ugly Christmas sweaters.

This didn't really bother me until I read this post about buying a special ornament every year. As this combines shopping and nostalgia, I thought "Great Idea"!

You see, most of our tree ornaments are lovely.  They are wool felt, handmade, and sprinkled with sequins, sparkly beads, and glittering trim.  They are in the shape of Santa and angels and wise men.  I also have stockings, snowmen, and characters from The Wizard of Oz. Don't forget The Nutcracker, Little Red Riding Hood, and Raggedy Ann & Andy. But they are not "ours".  These are from my childhood and evoke memories for ME, but not for us.  Yes, there are a few of "ours". There is the raven bought in Alaska, the ball from our first family trip to Disneyland, the beaded candy cane from Big Sis' kindergarten class.  And we have a handful of gorgeous glass ornaments that nest at the top of our tree.  They are precious and delicate, and look magical under the soft glow of twinkling lights.  I love these.


(just a few of the lovelies)

In recognition of "us" as a family, I pledge to buy a new ornament to represent the year.  And I will do this every year going forward.  It can be big or little, glass or plastic, fragile or unbreakable.  For 2011, I chose:

For obvious reasons, right? 
You smart little owl, you've got nothin' on our new Doctor.

Do you have must-do traditions at Christmas?  Or collect special ornaments?


  1. We read, Night Before Christmas, Christmas Eve. We open new jammies. That's kinda it. But starting when we moved to Iowa I began buying each kid an ornament each year. I always write their name & year on it. As we decorated the tree this year they really loved pulling out these special ornaments and talking about the places they were purchased or what they might represent. I figure someday when they are big and decorating their own trees these will be a nice little "starter" kit for them.

  2. We do Enchiladas on Christmas Eve, too! Have you posted your recipe? Because if not, that is my Christmas wish :)

    Merry Christmas!


Be Kind.