
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What I Did This Morning

I have to craft when the impulse strikes me, or I'd never get anything made. 

It's not usually at night, after the kids have gone to bed.

Or during naptime, which wouldn't be helpful anyway, as he has decided to cut naps down to a scant 45 minutes a day - without prior approval, I might add. This really puts a crimp in my sitting around, eating truffles, watching Tori and Dean time.  
PS, have you tried the Choceur truffles from Aldi?  They are AMAHZING. 

Instead, as soon as Sis gets on the bus, we huddle up together with Kick Buttowski in the background and do a little cutting and gluing. 

Today, I made these: 

I never knew felt flowers were so easy to make!  
I think it took me longer to whip together the backing than to make all the flowers & leaves for each one.  The pictures don't even do these justice; they are much cuter in person. 

Teacher gifts: COVERED. 

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Be Kind.