
Friday, March 23, 2012

Remembrances of the Week

Goodness, it's Friday already?!  Ugh, the week started a little rough....I needed a vacation from my vacation, but felt lucky to have a quiet Sunday at home to recover & prepare for the week.  Note to self: Next time, schedule a FULL day for R & R from my r & r. Also, exercising after 10 days off = sore.  Jillian Michaels, you are a she-devil.

On Thursday I fixed my torn belt loop with Fabri-Tac 10 minutes before leaving for work.  It got me through the day, but only because I had to restrain myself from tugging up my pants every 10 minutes.

Did you know that Preschool is dirty?  Sunny days = time digging in the sand pit.  And they also = baths as soon as we get home. And then naps while Mom squeezes in a quick workout.  So, really, not such a bad thing. 

Soccer started this week!  No games yet, but she surprised me with her ball skills & level of aggression on the field.  I mean that in a good way. 

Also, if you talked to me this week & I had "crazy eyes" it's because of allergies!  Hoo-wee!  I didn't know this was the pollen capital of the upper-SE-U.S.!  And I was even less excited to find out that apparently there is a big issue with chemicals in the water here.  So, I'll be spending part of my weekend researching water filtration systems for the kitchen sink.  

And finally, how can I be expected to eat healthy when I find this in my mailbox?  Between the perfect poached eggs on the the inside pages and the delectable looking pecan sticky bun on the cover, April is doomed! It's an Easter conspiracy!

Happy weekend!

1 comment:

  1. This post just put a smile on my face. Thanks amy!
    P.s. have you tried jillian's shed and shred? Killer.


Be Kind.