
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let's Panic About Christmas!

I think that going away for Thanksgiving completely threw off my Christmas mojo.  I feel like I am utterly unprepared for this holly jolly season.

It's not the gift-giving.  That part is mostly covered. (mostly)

It's sort of the dog.  We're still getting used to each other.

It's sort of the fridge - after 3 weeks, it's finally coming tonight (almost a week late).

It's mostly the decorating.  I never feel like I have the time and money to do what I'd love to do.  And as  I currently own 5 plastic bins of assorted Christmas tchotchkes, I am under a family ban that prevents me from bringing in any additional decor.

I'm usually a "Make It Work" kind of girl, but this year, I just feel bummed.  My ornament-stealing dog is not helping.  His first (and hopefully last) victim:

Mary no longer has a little lamb. 

I know, I blame myself.  The second he gave those ornaments the side-eye, I should have moved them all out of reach.  But I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and I shouldn't have.  Lesson learned.  And now the bottom 2 feet of my tree is decorated with paper snowflakes.

I'm not feeling my fake tree this year.  But without a tree stand, why buy a real tree?  I still don't have the shelves hung in the dining room, and I am balking at doing anything beyond the tree until they are hung. And I'm reluctant to put out anything from the floor to about 3' up - because of Luke and his teething.

So, the tree is up, and I may just call it a day.  No outside lights.  No glittery trees.  No nativity scene.  No wreath on the door.   Just..... enough.


  1. I go through slumps like that, too. It usually alternates every other year. This year, I put up a fake tree and about 1/8 of my decor. And you know what, it's ok. :) I have a really nice scented candle (Salt City Christmas Trimmings), a new Christmas playlist, and a Grinch quilt and that will just have to do.

    Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  2. Totally relate. After 14 years of marriage, I have 2 bins. Last year was my year to not decorate, but Christmas was still awesome. Merry Christmas Amy! and good luck with that puppy! :)


Be Kind.