
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I Take It Back + The William Morris Project 2012

I know, I said that I was going to limit each month to 3 goals.  And I will.  Sort of.  So, maybe I'm taking it back. But not really.  I don't know.  I think I'm just adding a bit more, but these aren't really goals, but more of projects.  Yes, we'll call it a project.

I love Jules over at Pancakes and French Fries.  Not only is she smart and sassy, but she has a lovely way with words.  I like her because she makes me feel as though she shares more than just the glossy surface images of her life.  She shows bits of the dirt and grime of motherhood+life, but in a tongue-in-cheek way, not in the "Oh look at what a baaaaad Mom I am" way that seems to be a bit prevalent in blog land these days.  She owns it all - both the flaws and the glitter.

A few months back, Jules did a series of 31 Days of William Morris.  She started here.  And what it boils down to is the mantra of "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."   A lofty goal, no?  But how do we accomplish anything if we do not have a goal in mind?  The amazing Jules plunged into this for the entire month of October, and it was fabulous.  I loved seeing proof that I am not the only one with overcrowded drawers or closets mucked up with piles of board games, batteries, and wrapping paper.  I also loved seeing the process of each day, and I vicariously experienced the satisfaction of purging, organizing, and prettifying along with her.

For 2012 Jules has committed to The William Morris project for each week of 2012, and I am ON BOARD.  At first read it seemed overwhelming, but I think it's just the kick I need to shake off some of my winter apathy and continue to pull this house together.  I have been using budget as my excuse for the last few months of lethargy, but useful and beautiful DO NOT have to mean costly.  It's time to make my list, dust off my camera, and start posting regularly.  Away we go!


Jules said...

Yay! I can't wait. You can do it. :)

Music Mama said...

That sounds a lot like a Military Family kind of mantra :) In fact, I sort of live by that rule. But it's been a while since I've gone through things. Perhaps it's time to begin again! Miss you, Amy :)