
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are you a member of the Minivan Mafia?

Why do I call it that? Because so many of these Moms in their minivans drive them like they are trying to run you off the road. I have nothing against Moms or minivans. I love being a Mom, and minivans are fine, but I don't drive one, and if I have my way I will not drive one. I've driven (not owned, but driven) minivans, and they have many advantages - decent gas mileage, roomy, easy to drive, can transport a developing nation in the third row, etc. But there's just something about a minivan. Every time I think about owning and driving one, I feel like I should put on my white Keds, Mom jeans and Reindeer sweater, let my roots grow out, and just give UP. In other words, I equate the minivan to losing every part of myself that feels young, hip, attractive or anywhere near to being under 45. I am not criticizing others - I am sure there are many minivan Moms who don't fit in my mental stereotype, but this is the vision I have of myself if I were to get behind the wheel of a minivan. I'm sure there will come a time when Matt and I will have to battle it out over our next form of transportation. Despite the fact that the Honda is still going strong (220,000+miles, thank you very much), we don't foresee the Jetta lasting more than another 3 years (if we are very lucky). And if we have another baby, your basic 4 door sedan is not going to cut it. Any suggestions? Can anyone else relate to my feelings about losing my youthful self in the depths of a Honda Odyssey? I think I am just feeling the effects of another birthday around the corner.


Ted and Hilery said...

Thanks for making me laugh today! We also do not want a minivan, but there has to be a vehicle that maintains youthfullness while having good gas mileage? Good luck!

Megane said...

I am a member of the minivan mafia! I think us moms need to invent a vehicle that is cool yet mom appropriate without taking away our youthfulness. My van is my dream car because it is easy and drives like a car, the gas is good but sometimes I wish there were better "features", maybe the hybrid suv? The pictures of Justin are adorable! Sounds like you are doing well with 2. I think it took me about 6 months to get it down with 2, with 3 it came more naturally because I had already done it twice and the kids were old enough to help a lot!

Unknown said...

You crack me up! I loved this post. My hubby refuses to get a minivan, so I'll never be "in" with the mafia. They sure make sense for moms though!

Parkinson Family said...

Amy, you are hilarious! I'm way too young to be a member of the mini-van mafia... but I am. In fact, I blogged about my grips last month! Alas I'm steering clear of all reindeer sweaters and white keds. The WII looks very cool! Is it good exercise? Nick desperately wants one... I keep saying "we'll see". :-)