
Sunday, August 24, 2008

No Buying Week

I'm trying an experiment this week. I've been rolling this idea around in my head, and decided it's time to go for it. I am not going to purchase anything from Sunday-Friday. No McDonald stops for Big Sis. No buying a Diet Coke while at Target because I'm bored. No running to the store because we ran out of milk mid-week.

I know I CAN do it. I have at least a modicum of self-control, even if it doesn't usually seem like it. I'm just curious how challenging it will be. I made out my menu for the week & did my grocery shopping yesterday (I forgot to buy water, but we still have a few gallons at home). I filled the car up with gas. I even bought what I need for the pies I have to make for Tuesday night. I should be good to go.

There are a few rules, including the obvious one: Don't buy anything. I also can't call Big Daddy and ask him to buy something for me (ex: running out of milk); I can't make exceptions for anything but an emergency. And finding something on sale at Gymboree doesn't count as an emergency. I CAN pay bills. Wish me luck!

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